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Our research and advisory services are backed by analyst experts from around the world who are committed to providing you with the right information for every stage of your technology roadmap.

With Research and Advisory Services, you will:

Align IT Strategy to Meet Goals

  • Plan and implement digital transformation strategies with industry expertise from our global analysts.
  • Validate conclusions and identify risks early on based on accurate, relevant data.
  • Plan to meet company goals with guidance from our rigorous research methodology.

Innovate with the Latest Tech Trends

  • Improve operation strategies with one-to-one guidance from IDC analysts.
  • Evaluate current digital positioning and develop a clearly defined digital strategy based on accurate, relevant data.
  • Meet company goals with guidance from our rigorous research methodology.

Drive Digital Growth

  • Access research based on carefully curated data tailored to guide you in your digital roadmaps.
  • Implement a digital transformation strategy based on the latest research designed to provide you with the information you need.
  • Promote innovation and new ideas by unlocking the latest technology trends uncovered by our global analysts.

Make Better Decisions

  • Confidently make technology purchases by consulting one-on-one with our analysts to validate conclusions and better understand risks.
  • Access the latest research and metrics from our global team of analysts, based on rigorous research methodology.

IDC IT Executive Programs

Research and Advisory includes the IT Executive Programs that allow you to talk one-on-one with global analysts who are devoted to providing the right information for every stage of your needs.

Develop Your Roadmap

With our research document methodology, IDC DecisionScapes, you can make data-driven decisions that reduce risk and time to implement while staying ahead of the curve.

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IDC has a long and trusted history in the research field. For over 50 years, we've provided unbiased, vendor-agnostic advice. We're devoted to providing information that truly helps your planning and organization and validate your decisions.

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Desktop or mobile, country-based or global, planning or implementation, industry specificity or broad technologies – IDC covers a wide spectrum. With the quickest response times in the industry, you get relevant answers easily and without hassle or nickel and diming.

IDC’s extensive portfolio of subscription services enables clients to keep abreast of the latest market trends and empowers them to make the most well-informed decisions for their organization.

IDC IT Executive Programs Latest Research

IDC’s extensive portfolio of subscription services enables clients to keep abreast of the latest market trends and empowers them to make the most well-informed decisions for their organization.

  • IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Low-Code/No-Code Development Platforms 2024 Vendor Assessment

    Dhiraj Pramod Badgujar

    The IDC MarketScape report evaluates the 2024 Asia/Pacific low-code/no-code (LCNC) development platforms, highlighting the growing importance of these technologies in accelerating digital innovation and enhancing IT agility. The report underscores the increasing adoption of LCNC platforms because...

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  • IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Managed Security Services 2024 Vendor Assessment

    Sakshi Grover,  Christian Fam

    This IDC MarketScape evaluates 22 different vendors that provide managed security services (MSS) within the highly competitive and maturing Asia/Pacific market. The participating firms were meticulously evaluated using the IDC MarketScape model, which reviews the vendors' capabilities and...

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  • Shared Cloud Infrastructure Continues to Lead Infrastructure Spending in the Second Quarter of 2024, Fueled by Investments in AI-Related Projects, According to IDC

    According to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Infrastructure Tracker: Buyer and Cloud Deployment, spending on compute and storage infrastructure products for cloud deployments, including dedicated and shared IT environments, increased 61.5% year over year in Q2 2024 to $42.9 billion.

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  • Canadian Government at Work, 2024

    Mark SchruttNigel Wallis

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation outlines key challenges and initiatives in the Canadian government's digital transformation efforts. It emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity, workforce development, and citizen engagement while highlighting the growing role of AI and cloud technology in...

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  • Accenture FY 4Q24: Quarterly Revenue Up 3%, New Bookings Up 21%, Record Bookings for Fiscal Year, FY25 Business Outlook is Cautiously Optimistic

    Gard Little

    On September 26, 2024, Accenture reported its Q4 FY24 results, including $16.4 billion in quarterly revenue, a 3% YoY increase in USD and 5% in local currency. The earnings call was led by Julie Sweet, Accenture's Chair and Chief Executive Officer, KC McClure, Accenture's CFO, and Angie Park who...

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IDC Industry Insights

Industry Insights assists business and IT leaders in making technology decisions with insightful, fact-based research and consulting services. Get industry research grounded in decades of experience from our global senior analyst team across six industries: retail, government, financial services, manufacturing, health and energy.

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IDC Industry Insights Latest Research

IDC’s extensive portfolio of subscription services enables clients to keep abreast of the latest market trends and empowers them to make the most well-informed decisions for their organization.

  • Canadian Government at Work, 2024

    Mark SchruttNigel Wallis

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation outlines key challenges and initiatives in the Canadian government's digital transformation efforts. It emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity, workforce development, and citizen engagement while highlighting the growing role of AI and cloud technology in...

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  • IDC Market Glance: Open Source Intelligence, 3Q24

    Alison Brooks, Ph.D.

    This IDC Market Glance offers a comprehensive view of the current OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) ecosystem, highlighting key capabilities, techniques, and use cases crucial for modern digital investigations. The OSINT market has evolved significantly since we last published on it in 2022, with...

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  • IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Retail Media Network Service Providers 2024 Vendor Assessment

    Ananda Chakravarty

    This IDC study is the first of its kind on the underlying services that support retailers building and creating a retail media network. The market is highly fragmented and new for most retailers.Focused on the retailer, this document covers key service providers and their strengths in helping...

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  • 5G as a Driver for Sustainability: Efficiencies and Monetization

    Masarra MohamedAlejandro Cadenas

    This IDC Market Perspective examines how 5G technology aids operators in achieving sustainability goals. It underscores the role of 5G in enhancing CSPs' market competitiveness through sustainable practices and strategic partnerships. "5G offers an opportunity for telcos to target companies in this...

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  • Evaluating Enterprise Technical Health

    Dr. Ken KnaptonRob Baigert

    This IDC Perspective delves into strategies for improving technical health and managing technical debt. It highlights the importance of recognizing and quantifying debt and communicating the status of the overall enterprise in terms of technical health. By adopting this holistic and disciplined...

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Get the Guidance You Need to Become a “Future Enterprise”

The Data and Strategies You Need to Create an Action Plan

Related Resources

For more examples of actionable insights from IDC analysts visit our Resource Center.

Four Considerations for AI-Ready Infrastructure Buildout

View eBook Four Considerations for AI-Ready Infrastructure Buildout

How Does your AI Experience Ecosystem Stack Up?

View eBook How Does your AI Experience Ecosystem Stack Up?

Making AI Work for Business: A Build vs Buy Perspective

Read Article Making AI Work for Business: A Build vs Buy Perspective

Interested in learning more about IDC’s Tech Buyer solutions?

IDG Environmental Policy

International Data Group is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to environmental excellence, pollution prevention and to purchasing products that reduce the use of natural resources.

We fulfill this mission by a commitment to:

  • Encouraging all partners to share in our mission
  • Understanding environmental issues and sharing information with our partners
  • Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future
  • Instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value
  • Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change
  • Using our platforms and position in the IT industry to promote sustainability
  • Minimize air travel to help reduce our impact on the environment
  • Minimize use of materials and energy consumption in our offices
  • Create a working environment that efficiently uses our office space
  • Develop and maintain a hybrid working model that benefits both our employees and business partners
  • Encourage employees to measure, minimize and collaborate on reducing energy consumption at home and in the office
  • Engaging employees and promoting active participation in environmental and sustainability initiatives