target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US51611124

Worldwide Marketing Campaign Management Market Shares, 2023: Dawn of AI Everywhere in Marketing


  • Gerry Murray Loading
  • Roger Beharry Lall Loading


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This IDC study discusses worldwide marketing campaign management market shares for 2023.

"Conversational AI is the future interface between brands and buyers," said Gerry Murray, research director, Marketing Automation Technology research service at IDC. "By the end of 2024, all martech solutions will feature conversational or prompt-based user interfaces with capabilities for automating complex projects, processes, and campaigns. Infinite content production and the submergence of search-based commerce present serious disruption for commerce platforms, brands, and agencies. In addition, AI autonomous buying will emerge in 2025 and present new challenges for marketers in terms of not only influencing how humans coach their AI agents but also how AI agents can be influenced to coach humans about brand and product preferences. That will require innovative marketing practices."


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