target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Special Study - Doc  Document number: # US52518024

IT Project Life-Cycle Services: Advisory Services


  • Leslie Rosenberg Loading
  • Elaina Stergiades Loading


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This IDC study emphasizes the critical role of advisory services in aligning IT investments with business objectives amid market challenges. It highlights the importance of understanding customer needs, leveraging data and insights, and focusing on execution capabilities to ensure successful IT project life cycles. The study also underscores the need for services firms to enhance advisory services, invest in skilled personnel, and utilize technology to drive better decision-making and project outcomes.

"In a highly scrutinized business environment, alignment of every IT investment business, technology, and operational objectives is paramount," states Leslie Rosenberg, research VP, Network Life Cycle and Infrastructure Services at IDC. "Well-developed advisory services that utilize tools and insights ensure tighter coupling of IT to objectives, more quickly with better outcomes for their customers."


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