target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Special Study - Doc  Document number: # US52518024

IT Project Life-Cycle Services: Advisory Services


  • Leslie Rosenberg Loading
  • Elaina Stergiades Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Opinion

  • In This Study

  • Situation Overview

    • Figure: Top Reasons for Enterprises Engaging with a Professional Services Provider

    • Figure: Outcomes Business Expect to Achieve Working with Professional Services Provider

    • Evolution of Life-Cycle Services in Alignment with Customer Requirements

    • Figure: Evolution of Life-Cycle Services: Advisory Services

    • Why Advisory Services Matter for Building a Customer Success Practice

    • Figure: The Network and Infrastructure Life Cycle

    • Four Key Investment Areas in the Life Cycle for Building Customer Success Practices: Advisory

    • Execution

    • Figure: Top Attributes for Execution Success: Communication

    • Figure: Top Attributes for Execution Success: Delivery Methodology

    • Figure: Top Attributes for Execution Success: Expertise

    • Figure: Top Attribute for Execution Success: Delivery Execution

    • People and Process

    • Data and Insights

    • Technology Investments

    • Essential Guidance for Services Providers: Advisory Services

    • Evolution of Life-Cycle Services in Alignment with Customer Requirements

    • Figure: Evolution of Life-Cycle Services: Advisory Services

    • Why Advisory Services Matter for Building a Customer Success Practice

    • Figure: The Network and Infrastructure Life Cycle

    • Four Key Investment Areas in the Life Cycle for Building Customer Success Practices: Advisory

    • Execution

    • Figure: Top Attributes for Execution Success: Communication

    • Figure: Top Attributes for Execution Success: Delivery Methodology

    • Figure: Top Attributes for Execution Success: Expertise

    • Figure: Top Attribute for Execution Success: Delivery Execution

    • People and Process

    • Data and Insights

    • Technology Investments

    • Essential Guidance for Services Providers: Advisory Services

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis