target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US52351924

Worldwide Customer Data Platform Applications Software Market Shares, 2023: The Essential Role of Customer Data in Generative Experiences

By:  Gerry Murray Loading


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This IDC study presents the market shares of the top vendors in the worldwide customer data platform (CDP) applications software market.

"In the new era of generative experiences, CMOs and CEOs should think of and invest in data infrastructure as foundational to brand strategy," said Gerry Murray, research director, Marketing and Sales Technology, IDC. "Customer data platforms will continue to be vitally important to supporting real-time use cases in customer acquisition functions and can deliver personalization data to use cases across all customer-facing functions in the business. That said, distributed data management innovation, the skyrocketing scale of data, and the inevitable tsunami of compute costs will require CDP providers to push innovation and value-add beyond data management."


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