IT Executive Programs Adjunct Analysts Team
New Research
This IDC Perspective provides insights and methods for defining what the organizational strategy will be. Social and regulatory forces are converging in ways that support organizations of every sector to revisit strategies and focus investm...
This IDC Perspective provides key takeaways and recommended actions to develop and lead the road map that enables the sustainability strategy. With a great sustainability strategy comes a great sustainability commitment. In this realm, futu...
This IDC PlanScape highlights the chief AI officer role in business processes."A typical candidate for the CAIO role is someone with a proven track record of leading successful innovation programs and with a clear understanding of AI," says...
This IDC PlanScape outlines the steps that an enterprise can take to make the total cost of digital transparent and, by using specialization, help management get rid of digital siloes and create a more efficient and specialized digital ente...
This IDC Perspective assesses the impact of AI on the business consulting profession and provides guidance for those who engage or contract with consultants. AI is changing how organizations work, particularly knowledge-intense enterprises....
This IDC PlanScape explores why unit-based costing is important, what it is, who the stakeholders are, and how an IT organization, in close partnership with the business, can exploit it to optimize IT performance. "For the IT function to op...
This IDC Tech Buyer Survey Spotlight examines how AI investment requirements impact CIO influence and IT skills shortage. With a dramatic growth in generative AI (GenAI), CIOs have become a key influencer for corporate AI investments. Howev...
This IDC PlanScape focuses on ways organizations can better ensure their return on cloud investments by implementing some key metrics and performance indicators."Organizations may be tempted to invest in cloud computing in order to gain fle...
This IDC PeerScape looks at the types of GenAI-generated fraud that organizations are experiencing, the formats they take, how each is created, and steps for identifying and responding to it."Generative AI has taken digital fraud to a whole...
本IDC研究报告介绍了IDC对2024年CIO议程的十大预测。IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务咨询与研究集团副总裁Daniel Saroff表示,"这十大预测构成了一份战略性框架,帮助CIO在未来五年内领导其组织度过一个加速变革和颠覆的时期。同时也阐述了IDC对IT部门将要经历的10个重大转变的展望,助力IT高管制定战略规划。"
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