Analyst Location

United States


Digital transformation


North America

Serge Findling

Research Adjunct Advisor

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  • The Future of Cost Control: Leveraging Cloud Computing and Automation


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    Big data, Cloud services, Big data infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Cloud computing, Mobility, Technology buyer, Leadership transformation, Omni-experience transformation, Information transformation, Operating model transformation, WorkSource transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC Perspective Tech Buyer

  • IDC PlanScape: Powering the M&A Engine: The CIO's Guide to Unlocking IT Value in M&A Deals


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    Big data, Cloud services, Big data infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Cloud computing, Mobility, Technology buyer, Leadership transformation, Omni-experience transformation, Information transformation, Operating model transformation, WorkSource transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q4 IDC PlanScape Tech Buyer

  • The Art of the Pivot: Mastering Adaptive IT Operations in a Rapidly Changing World


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    Big data, Cloud services, Big data infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Cloud computing, Mobility, Technology buyer, Leadership transformation, Omni-experience transformation, Information transformation, Operating model transformation, WorkSource transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q4 IDC Perspective Tech Buyer

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