IDC Government Insights Team

Hongyu Cheng

Senior Research Analyst

Jifeng SUN

Associate Research Director

Massimiliano Claps

Research Director

Sandeep Mukunda

Research Manager, Digital Automotive and Transportation Strategi

Janice Jin

Research Manager

Alison Brooks, Ph.D.

Research Vice President – Worldwide Public Safety

Roberta Bigliani

Group Vice President, Head of Industry Insights, Future of Operations and Industry Ecosystems Executive Lead, IDC Europe

Adelaide O'Brien

Research Vice President, Government Digital Transformation Strategies

Ruthbea Yesner

Vice President, Government Insights, Education and Smart Cities

Aaron Walker

Research Manager, Government Trust and Resiliency Strategy

Leon Xiao

Senior Research Manager, Vertical Industry Research and Consulting, IDC China

Jebin George

Senior Research Manager, Software, Cloud, and Industry Transformation, IDC MEA

Robert Parker

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Applications, Data Intelligence, Services, and Industry Research

Joe Dignan

European Head, IDC Government Insights

Louisa Barker

Senior Research Manager, IDC Government Insights, Europe

Matthew Leger

Senior Research Manager, IDC Worldwide Education Digital Strategies

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

New Research

  • By: 

    • Jifeng SUN Loading
    • Janice Jin Loading
  • By:  Janice Jin Loading

    IDC 政府行业和智慧城市研究组研究经理金子惠表示:"随着生成式AI和大模型的快速发展,人工智能技术已经开始重塑各个行业。在智慧城市领域,需要加快人工智能技术与业务场景的融合创新。在生成式大模型快速发展的趋势下,大语言模型、多模态大模型展现出愈发成熟的应用价值,生成式AI未来会在政务服务、公共服务等领域通过智能客服、内容生成等能力提升智慧城市运行效率和创新能力。企业需要明确长短期战略发展路线,积极开拓与人工智能相关的软件服务,积累行业资源并打造标杆案例,逐步抢占并扩大市场份额...
  • By:  Matthew Leger Loading

    This IDC Market Note covers Workday Student product announcements and highlights from Workday Rising held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco from September 26 to 28, 2023."The cloud student information system (SIS) market is starting to...
  • By: 

    • Massimiliano Claps Loading
    • Remi Letemple Loading
  • By:  Janice Jin Loading

    本IDC研究通过IDC MarketScape厂商评估模型对中国智慧园区解决方案厂商进行了评估。IDC 研究了中国市场上的主流厂商,选取12家典型的智慧园区解决方案厂商进行重点研究。IDC 对入选厂商的能力和战略进行了综合评估,评估标准包括收入规模、产品技术能力、市场和生态以及未来发展战略等方面。各维度根据市场情况进一步划分为若干细分项,并配以不同权重,从而形成IDC MarketScape 综合评分体系,通过IDC 分析师对各个厂商和大量最终用户的深入访谈,综合分析并确定各...
  • By:  Matthew Leger Loading

    This IDC Market Note covers product announcements and highlights from Oracle CloudWorld 2023 held at the Venetian Convention and Expo Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, with a focus on the company's student information system, Oracle Fusion Cloud...
  • By:  Aaron Walker Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation highlights key findings from federal, state, and local government decision makers' responses to IDC's 2023 Worldwide Industry CloudPath and Future of Enterprise Wave Surveys. This Market Presentation takes a dee...
  • By: 

    • Billy Jia
    • Jifeng SUN Loading
    本IDC研究聚焦于中国政务云解决方案市场中具备一定技术能力的技术提供商,针对入选技术提供商的能力和战略进行综合评估。能力评估标准包括产品功能与服务、产品组合优势、客户服务、定价模型、客户满意度等方面,战略评估指标包括产品战略、增长情况、研发战略、交付战略、创新性等方面。各维度根据市场情况进一步划分为若干细分项,并配以不同权重,从而形成IDC MarketScape综合评分体系。IDC分析师通过对各个厂商和众多最终用户的深入访谈,综合分析并确定了各厂商在IDC MarketSc...
  • By: 

    • Lynne Dunbrack Loading
    • Leslie Hand Loading
    • Matthew Leger Loading
    • Sandeep Mukunda Loading
    • Jerry Silva Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective highlights major announcements made at Google Cloud Next held in San Francisco on August 29–31, 2023, with a focus on how they will impact the following industries — education, financial services, government, hea...
  • By:  Jifeng SUN Loading

    本IDC PeerScape报告根据对政务云云安全建设案例的收集甄选,及对相应IT负责人或领导者的访谈而形成。遂宁市政务云的云安全实践入选云原生安全类别领导者实践,上海市政务云、昆明市政务云、滨州市政务云的云安全实践入选云密码安全服务类别领导者实践,某省残联的云安全实践入选数据安全类别领导者实践,北京市综合办公平台、某省政务云、某市政务云的云安全实践入选云安全体系类别领导者实践。本IDC PeerScape报告入选案例的云安全供应商包括浪潮云、中国电子云、绿盟科技、格尔软件、...

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