IDC Government Insights Team

Hongyu Cheng

Senior Research Analyst

Jifeng SUN

Associate Research Director

Massimiliano Claps

Research Director

Sandeep Mukunda

Research Manager, Digital Automotive and Transportation Strategi

Janice Jin

Research Manager

Alison Brooks, Ph.D.

Research Vice President – Worldwide Public Safety

Roberta Bigliani

Group Vice President, Head of Industry Insights, Future of Operations and Industry Ecosystems Executive Lead, IDC Europe

Adelaide O'Brien

Research Vice President, Government Digital Transformation Strategies

Ruthbea Yesner

Vice President, Government Insights, Education and Smart Cities

Aaron Walker

Research Manager, Government Trust and Resiliency Strategy

Leon Xiao

Senior Research Manager, Vertical Industry Research and Consulting, IDC China

Jebin George

Senior Research Manager, Software, Cloud, and Industry Transformation, IDC MEA

Robert Parker

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Applications, Data Intelligence, Services, and Industry Research

Joe Dignan

European Head, IDC Government Insights

Louisa Barker

Senior Research Manager, IDC Government Insights, Europe

Matthew Leger

Senior Research Manager, IDC Worldwide Education Digital Strategies

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

New Research

  • By:  Matthew Leger Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights results from IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, Wave 8, from September 2023, which highlights the current state of generative AI adoption in education. The results show that while th...
  • By:  Sandeep Mukunda Loading

    In 2022, IDC covered the launch of Salesforce's (SFDC) Automotive Cloud, highlighting the importance of a customized CRM and data platform to the automotive industry. The Automotive Cloud platform is designed to accommodate upcoming changes...
  • By: 

    • Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading
    • Adelaide O'Brien Loading
    • Aaron Walker Loading
    • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
    This IDC Market Note discussed Google Public Sector's latest announcement and offerings as provided in an analyst forum, with a focus on cloud, security, and AI. "Google Public Sector's public sector strategy is promising with Google Public...
  • By: 

    • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
    • Sandeep Mukunda Loading
    This IDC Market Presentation presents data from IDC's U.S. Transportation Government Buyer Survey conducted in December 2022 with 75 government employees from federal, state, and local transportation departments and agencies responding to t...
  • By:  Aaron Walker Loading

    This IDC Perspective discusses the developments in operational AI use cases in federal, state, and local governments. IDC foresees AI as an increasingly critical factor impacting security operations across forms of government. "GenAI for se...
  • By: 

    • Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading
    • Aaron Walker Loading
    On October 30, 2023, the Biden administration issued an executive order (EO) governing the use of AI. Specifically, the EO addresses eight overarching goals: establishing standards for AI safety and security; privacy protections; advancing ...
  • By: 

    • Louisa Barker Loading
    • Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading
    • Sandeep Mukunda Loading
    • Ravikant Sharma Loading
    • Jifeng SUN Loading
    • Aaron Walker Loading
    • Nigel Wallis Loading
    • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
    This IDC study provides our top 10 predictions for Smart Cities and Communities."We have seen a rise in a strategic approach by municipalities to think of Smart City investments with an eye toward the future — future needs of the public, fu...
  • By: 

    • Diego Anesini Loading
    • Rob Brothers Loading
    • Zachary Chertok Loading
    • Ruthbea Yesner Loading
    • Amy Cravens Loading
    • Joe Dignan Loading
    • Eren Eser Loading
    • Melvie Espejo Loading
    • Carlos Gonzalez Loading
    • Sean Graham Loading
    • Katharina Grimme Loading
    • Heather Hershey Loading
    • Zuzana Kovacova Loading
    • Stephanie Krishnan Loading
    • Gentaro Yuki Loading
    • Vladimir Kroa Loading
    • Sandeep Mukunda Loading
    • Reid Paquin Loading
    • Aly Pinder Loading
    • Curtis Price Loading
    • Patrick Reymann Loading
    • Angela Salmeron Loading
    • Ko Shikita Loading
    • Jordan K. Speer Loading
    • Bjoern Stengel Loading
    • Grace Trinidad Loading
    • Dan Versace Loading
    • John Villali Loading
    • Jim Westcott Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    This IDC study presents the top 10 predictions for sustainability/ESG for 2024."Worldwide, organizations are feeling the pressure to respond to changing sustainability requirements and new regulatory environments. They are doing this at dif...
  • By: 

    • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
    • Massimiliano Claps Loading
    • Shari Lava Loading
    • Anielle Guedes Loading
    • Stephanie Krishnan Loading
    • Lynne Dunbrack Loading
    • Jerry Silva Loading
    • Leslie Hand Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for future of industry ecosystems."The move to more open, extended, pan-industry ecosystems is the next phase of digital transformation. Organizations continue to recognize that innovation is...
  • By: 

    • Adelaide O'Brien Loading
    • Alison Brooks, Ph.D. Loading
    • Massimiliano Claps Loading
    • Rimal Likhari
    • Aaron Walker Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's 2024 top 10 predictions for national government."The drivers included in this IDC FutureScape will compel agencies to take a strategic approach to national security, sovereignty, and resilience and protection o...

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