Digital Commerce B2B

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Photo of Mark Casidsid
Mark Casidsid

Senior Research Analyst, Worldwide Digital Commerce

IDC's Digital Commerce B2B service explores how organizations engage customers through B2B channels and deliver value and innovative customer experiences by leveraging digital technologies. The CIS analyzes key trends and identifies market opportunities around B2B sales and improving customer experience (CX) in this segment.

Enterprises and SMB companies have traditionally been slow to adopt digital B2B commerce, but this is gradually changing. In the same way, delivering a value-driven CX in B2B settings is getting increased attention due to its inherent complexity (i.e., the need to build long-term relationships and more collaborative processes and involving multiple stakeholders) as well as customers demanding more seamless, personalized, and connected buying experiences. In many instances, this is a new endeavor, and they need to step out of their comfort zone and try to address the market in a much more dynamic way. It is therefore crucial that IT vendors articulate the value of their solutions for companies to address this fast-evolving segment.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Evolution of B2B digital commerce and omni-channel strategies
  • Connected B2B buyer customer journey
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) trends
  • Data-driven insights and monetization
  • Automated sales and fulfilment and digitalization of other CX related processes (i.e., customization and product visualization)
  • New B2B business models
  • Multistep B2B channels
  • B2B networks and business ecosystems
  • Sales enablement practices and technologies
  • Immersive selling/customer experience (e.g., AR/VR and metaverse)

Core Research

  • IDC Market Glance: B2B Digital Commerce
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Worldwide B2B Digital Commerce Applications, 2024
  • IDC MaturityScape: B2B Digital Commerce
  • IDC MaturityScape Benchmark: B2B Digital Commerce in the United States

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. How are companies evolving their B2B commerce and omni-channel strategies?
  2. What are the key technologies they are investing in to improve customer experience?
  3. How do they manage data across the entire customer journey?
  4. Which areas are companies focusing on to create a simplified and seamless buying experience?
  5. What are the business model improvement opportunities and how to enable product-as-a-service offerings?
  6. Which are the key players, emerging vendors, and key value propositions for B2B commerce?