target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Special Study - Doc  Document number: # US52537324

IT Project Life-Cycle Services: Adoption


  • Leslie Rosenberg Loading
  • Elaina Stergiades Loading


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This IDC study emphasizes the critical role of adoption stage in IT project life-cycle services. In today's economic climate, IT teams must maximize value from their IT investments, focusing on strategic technology areas like security, AI, and infrastructure optimization. IDC highlights the importance of adoption services within a customer success practice, emphasizing the blend of digital and human resources for effective technology onboarding and utilization. This approach, supported by data and insights, enhances customer success and satisfaction, ensuring enterprises fully leverage their technology investments for innovation and competitive advantage.

"In today's challenging business climate, the ability to strategically leverage adoption services from their services provider partner is a critical component for success," states Leslie Rosenberg, research VP, Network Life Cycle and Infrastructure Services, IDC. "Organizations that utilize these services accelerate innovation, create competitive advantage and, most importantly, extract maximum value from every technology dollar they invest."


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