target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC FutureScape - Doc  Document number: # US51276023

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Manufacturing 2024 Predictions


  • Simon Ellis Loading
  • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
  • Eric Thompson Loading
  • Reid Paquin Loading
  • Aly Pinder Loading
  • Mark Casidsid Loading
  • Stephanie Krishnan Loading
  • Sarah Lee Loading
  • John Snow Loading


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This IDC study provides manufacturers with the top 10 predictions and underlying drivers that we expect to impact manufacturers' IT investments in 2024 and beyond.

According to Simon Ellis, group vice president, U.S. Manufacturing Insights, U.S. Energy Insights, and Global Supply Chain Strategies at IDC, "The manufacturing industry has maintained its rapid pace of change and disruption, making the ability to adapt a premium. Manufacturers have encountered many challenges in their efforts to become more resilient while maintaining efficiency, but one of the most cited issues are outdated/legacy systems. While the predictions highlighted touch upon many areas of the business, the main theme can be tied back to having the proper digital infrastructure in place to serve as the foundation for meeting challenges and taking advantage of opportunities."


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