target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50502223

Worldwide Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test Manufacturing Market Share, 2022 ─ Vendor Ranking and Insight

By:  Galen Zeng Loading


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This IDC study explores the revenue performance, technological evolution, and business development of worldwide OSAT vendors in 2022, and explore future development trends.

"OSAT is at the core of the downstreamportion of the semiconductor industry chain and is critical to the final quality and performance of chips. With the development of HPC, AI, and ML, advanced packaging will tend to experience heterogeneous integration from 2D to 2.5D/3D. It is expected that manufacturers will increase their investment to meet the huge market demand," says Galen Zeng, senior research manager at IDC.


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