IDC Health Insights: European Healthcare Digital Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Federico Mayr
Federico Mayr

Senior Research Analyst, IDC Health Insights, Europe

Photo of Silvia Piai
Silvia Piai

Research Director, IDC Health Insights

IDC Health Insights: European Healthcare Digital Strategies analyzes how digital and IT are transforming the value chain for European healthcare organizations. The service provides European healthcare organizations with the necessary insights and guidance to leverage technology to optimize their clinical and administrative processes, improve patient and workforce experiences, and transform their business and care delivery models.


This service develops comprehensive data and unique analyses through focused topical surveys, primary and secondary research, and insights from industry experts, practitioners, and vendors. To ensure relevance, IDC Health Insights' analysts work with subscribers to identify and prioritize specific topics to be covered in research documents.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Enabling new care delivery models, through solutions such as population health management, patient remote monitoring, virtual care, telehealth, and patient engagement
  • Enabling value-based health and evidence-driven and predictive medicine approaches through the use of advanced analytics and AI-enabled industry solutions
  • Enabling new public health strategies, through solutions such as health data platforms, population health analytics, public health surveillance systems, and disease registries
  • Optimizing healthcare information data strategy and investments in intelligence and automation technologies (AI, advanced analytics, digital twins, edge computing, IoT, IPA, security, etc.) to improve compliance, to support decisions and streamline processes, and to deliver better clinical outcomes, experiences and collaboration
  • Deploying core clinical technologies such as EHRs, enterprise medical imaging solutions, laboratory systems, digital pathology, pharmacy systems, remote patient monitoring, virtual care, clinical collaboration platforms, patient apps and portals, pathway management systems, and so forth
  • Developing digitally enabled healthcare ecosystems for developing patient services, improving population health management, and advancing in clinical research
  • Achieving ESG objectives and meeting regulatory requirements

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. What are digital innovation best practices in healthcare? How are healthcare organizations leveraging technology to integrate patient pathways and personalize care while increasing efficiency and ensuring regulatory compliance?
  2. How do technologies such as AI and ML, IoT, advanced analytics, mobile, cloud, and edge computing help European healthcare in addressing their most pressing challenges? What is the impact of these technologies on clinical outcomes, workforce and patient experiences, and operational efficiency?
  3. How are core clinical systems — such as EHR, clinical decision support, enterprise medical imaging and population health management, telemedicine platforms — evolving to meet the need of patients and clinical workforce?
  4. How should we enable the new patient digital front door? How can digital solutions improve the work experience of clinical staff?
  5. How should we enable and ensure trust in healthcare?

Who Should Subscribe

The insights provided are beneficial to a number of individuals in:

  • European healthcare organizations, including CIOs, chief clinical information officers, chief medical officers, chief nursing officers, CISOs, COOs, and other clinical and administrative executives
  • ICT vendors targeting European healthcare organizations. The program insights will be beneficial to a number of individuals in ICT vendors companies including market intelligence, product management, R&D, industry senior strategy management, and sales and marketing.
  • The service can also appeal to research institutions trying to understand the evolution of the European healthcare market.