European Data Intelligence, Integration and Platform Strategies for Artificial Intelligence

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IDC's European Data Intelligence, Integration and Platform Strategies for Artificial Intelligence service provides market, competitor, and customer insights into the fast-moving data intelligence, integration, and platform space in Europe. It explores how the shift to hybrid/multicloud data platforms, the recent explosion of interest in AI, the drive toward the democratization of data analytics, and European regulations and attitudes (relating to data and digital sovereignty, data sharing and markets, privacy, and more) are shaping the data intelligence, integration, and platform software market and opening up new opportunities.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Modern data platforms and architecture
  • New demands placed on data intelligence, integration, and platforms as a result of AI
  • Data streaming and event stream processing software
  • Non-relational analytics data stores, including vector databases
  • Master data management software
  • Data warehouses, data lakes, and data lakehouses
  • DataOps and data engineering practices
  • Maturity and capability of European organizations relating to data intelligence, integration, and platforms for AI

Core Research

  • European Data Intelligence, Integration, and Platform Software Market Forecast
  • Market Analysis Perspective: European Data Intelligence, Integration, and Platform Software
  • European Data Intelligence, Integration, and Platform Software: Scope, Definitions, and Trends
  • IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Data and Content Technologies Predictions — European Implications
  • European Data Intelligence, Integration, and Platform Software Market Events (biannual updates)

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the key components of the data intelligence, integration, and platform market in Europe, and how are they changing in the era of AI everywhere?
  2. What is the size and forecast growth rate of the data intelligence, integration, and platform market in Europe?
  3. What are the key trends (among both vendors and buyers) in the data intelligence, integration, and platform market in Europe?
  4. Who are the major vendors and emerging players in Europe?
  5. How are European organizations delivering business outcomes with data intelligence, integration, and platform technologies, and how big is the opportunity around AI?
  6. What are the key European user pain points and challenges regarding the delivery of business outcomes?