rsssmb IDC RSS alerts What Drives SMBs to Adopt Corporate-Liable Policies for Mobile Services? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight analyzes results from IDC's <I>SMB Communications Services Survey,</I> an online survey of 500 United States–based small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The document highlights and discusses the views of SMBs relative to the deployment of corporate-liable mobile services for employees.</P> IDC Survey Spotlight Fri, 21 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Jason Blackwell U.S. SMB Wireline Voice and Data Market Shares, 2023: Cable Growth Continues But at a Slower Pace <P>This IDC study provides vendor market shares for the U.S. SMB wireline voice and data market for 2023.</P><P>"SMBs recognize the need to invest in technologies and services to solve business problems and stay connected to customers. This provides an attractive opportunity for vendors of voice and data communications services," says Jason Blackwell, research director, SMB Communications Services at IDC. "However, communications service providers need to be able to customize solutions, focus on business outcomes, and help SMBs navigate the multitude of technology choices to maximize their return on investment."</P> Market Share Thu, 20 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Jason Blackwell 2024年 国内SMBネットワークサービス市場動向:企業WANとクラウド型セキュリティの利用実態と展望 <P>本調査レポートは、企業のリモートワークの状況と、WAN(Wide Area Network)、インターネット接続およびクラウド型セキュリティの利用実態を、IDCが実施したネットワーク管理者に対するWebアンケート調査とITベンダーへの取材の結果を基に分析する。特に、SMB(Small and Medium-sized Business:中堅中小企業)における実態を従業員規模の観点から深掘りしている。WANでは、企業ユーザーの閉域網サービスへの信頼は依然として厚く、継続的な利用意向がうかがえる。利用するインターネット回線では、10Gbpsサービスと、1Gbps~10Gbpsの間に位置する中間帯域のサービスが存在感を示している。クラウド型セキュリティでは導入に進展が見られるが、SMBでのさらなる採用には、IT担当者の負担を低減するサプライヤー側の取り組みと、マーケティングにおけるその取り組みの訴求が重要とみている。</P><P>「従業員のオフィス回帰が進んだ一方、従来よりも少ない頻度ながらリモートワークを行う従業員も存在する。働く場所は分散したままであり、IT担当者にとって従業員のサポートは依然として困難である。通信事業者やネットワークサービスプロバイダーは、自社サービスが提供する、リモートワークユーザーのエクスペリエンスの最適化を実現する管理ツールを、優先的に訴求すべきである。また、クラウド型セキュリティでは、導入後のライフサイクルに渡る負担低減の仕組みを示すことで、サービスを継続利用するビジョンをSMBが持てるようにすべきである」とIDC Japan、Infrastructure & Devicesのシニアリサーチアナリストである水上 貴博は述べている。</P> Market Perspective Wed, 05 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Takahiro Mizukami Market Analysis Perspective: Asia/Pacific Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Midmarket, 2024 <P>This Market Analysis Perspective deck provides a market update on the emerging industry trends, competitive landscape, priorities and challenges, future view of the market, and advice for technology suppliers. It also discusses small and medium-sized businesses' (SMBs) future cloud adoption plans, AI investment areas, and those expected to see the greatest impact. The report also includes investment areas for AI technologies and AI impact. This presentation is designed to provide clients with an opportunity to engage with IDC's analysts on future market possibilities.</P> Market Analysis Perspective Fri, 31 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT Supriya Deka, Daniel-Zoe Jimenez, Lavanya Jindal U.S. Buyer Behavior Snapshot, 2024 <P>This IDC Survey examines top selection factors for U.S. SMBs when purchasing technology, how they research technology purchases, and the channels they use for technology purchases. It also evaluates the types of executives making technology purchase decisions by SMB size and industry.</P> IDC Survey Fri, 31 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT Elisabeth Clemmons, Katie Evans Worldwide Buyer Behavior Snapshot, 2024 <P>This IDC Survey examines top selection factors for SMBs when purchasing technology, how they research technology purchases, and the channels they use for technology purchases. It also evaluates the types of executives making technology purchase decisions by SMB size and industry.</P> IDC Survey Tue, 28 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT Elisabeth Clemmons, Katie Evans 国内IT市場 地域別予測アップデート、2024年~2028年 <P>本調査レポートは、国内IT市場の地域別の状況および動向を調査、分析してまとめたものである。IDCでは、国内を8つの地域に分けて従業員規模別で市場規模を提供する。本調査レポートで用いる市場予測では、2024年3月末時点における地政学リスクの影響、円安、原材料価格高騰などの影響および見通しを考慮している。また、2024年1月に発生した能登半島地震の影響も踏まえている。2024年の国内IT市場は各地域でプラス成長を見込んでおり、2025年も引き続き各地域でプラス成長を予測している。特に大都市圏では企業規模を問わず、デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)推進を目的としたIT支出を積極的に拡大させている。大都市圏以外の地域では多くの地域で人口減少が深刻化しているためIT支出を抑制する企業も多くあるが、これら地域の中でもDXの取り組みが大企業、中堅企業などを中心に本格的に開始している。また、これらの地域のSMB(Small and Medium-sized Business:中堅中小企業)でもデジタル化/DXによる生産性向上、収益拡大、さらに新たなビジネス展開を模索する企業が増えているが、人材面/ノウハウ面、社内外の支援体制などさまざまな課題のため、ニーズは潜在化したままとなっている。</P><P>上記のような市場環境から、IDC Japan、Verticals & Cross Technologiesのシニアリサーチマネージャーである市村 仁は、「ITサプライヤーは、大都市圏以外の地域におけるSMBのデジタル化/DX推進を円滑に行うためには、自社のパートナー企業だけではなく、地域の有力企業、金融機関、地方自治体などと連携することで、直面する人材/ノウハウ面、社内外の支援体制などの課題を解決することが求められる」と分析している。</P> Market Forecast Mon, 27 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT Hitoshi Ichimura IDC MarketScape: Worldwide SaaS and Cloud-Enabled Medium-Sized Business ERP Applications 2024 Vendor Assessment <P>This IDC study provides a thorough assessment of SaaS and cloud-enabled medium-sized ERP applications and discusses the criteria that are most important for companies to consider when selecting a solution. </P><P>"The digital world has reshaped the medium-sized businesses' focus on moving to the cloud to improve their speed, scale, agility, market share, and competitive advantage. This requires adapting new ERP technologies that enable speed and scale by reducing process steps and clicks, automating every workflow possible, embedding finance to collect and make payments, and helping improve overall decision velocity," said Mickey North Rizza, group VP, IDC's Enterprise Software. "The ability to improve the employees' experience, uncover and utilize insights quickly, and navigate business issues with reliable, modern, and intelligent ERP systems is a foundational layer the organization needs in the digital world." </P><P>"Growing medium-sized businesses are facing new complexities as they mature and inch closer to the enterprise realm," says Katie Evans, research director, IDC's Worldwide Small and Medium Business research. "They have more robust tech stacks, larger budgets, and more employees than their small business counterparts. Oftentimes they also have offices and workers that span many geographic locations. Therefore, it's essential that medium-sized companies invest in ERP systems that will give them a single source of data truth across all locations and departments so employees can make informed decisions and avoid operating in silos. Many medium-sized businesses also are now likely at the point where they have the technology expertise and income to embrace recent and forthcoming advancements in AI, GenAI, and automation. And they should. Investing in a strong ERP system that offers all these capabilities and more is absolutely crucial to medium-sized businesses' success and will set them up for long-term growth and economic storms, but also to help them come out more resilient once those storms pass."</P> IDC MarketScape Thu, 23 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT Mickey North Rizza, Katie Evans Infor Innovation Summit — New Product Updates and Announcements: Asia/Pacific (Including Japan) Perspective <P>This IDC Market Note provides an insightful overview of the Infor Innovation Summit held in New York City on March 18 and 19, 2024, emphasizing the Asia/Pacific (including Japan) (APJ) perspective. The event showcased Infor’s strategic direction, industry focus, customer successes, and latest product innovations, underscoring the company’s commitment to delivering value through its industry-centric enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions.</P><P>"Infor continues to drive innovation to its portfolio of solutions, and it is well recognized by its industry-centric capabilities across the services and discrete and process manufacturing industries. Although Asia/Pacific is still minor compared with the rest of its worldwide business, the opportunity for growth is large. Its future growth and success in Asia/Pacific will be determined by its ability to effectively demonstrate meaningful value outcomes to customers, both directly and through its partner ecosystem,” says Daniel-Zoe Jimenez, Vice President, Digital Innovation, Software, CX, DNB/Start-ups, SMB, Consumer and Channels Research.".</P> Market Note Mon, 20 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Exploring the Experience-Orchestrated Business Revolution <P>This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation delves into IDC's newest model, the experience-orchestrated business (X-O business), presented at <I>FutureIT</I><I> Toronto 2024: AI, Security & The Future of IT Agenda</I> on April 23, 2024, in Canada. </P><P>In an AI-driven landscape, businesses must master the art of meaningful value exchange to elevate the experience for both employees and customers. This presentation explores how (and more importantly why) AI-enabled technologies should be evaluated in an effort to optimize customer journeys and streamline internal workflows, </P><P>Based on insights from real-world examples and analysis of hundreds of use cases, this presentation helps business and IT leaders anchor on the new strategic drivers shaping the X-O business future.</P> Tech Buyer Presentation Fri, 17 May 2024 04:00:00 GMT Roger Beharry Lall