rsshardware IDC RSS alerts 国内SD-WAN市場予測を発表~企業変革を支えるデジタルインフラとして活用が進展~ Japan, 2024年9月30日 - IT専門調査会社 IDC Japan 株式会社(所在地:東京都千代田区九段北1‐13‐5、代表取締役社長:村橋俊介、Tel代表:03-6897-3812)は、国内SD-WAN(Software-Defined Wide Area Network)市場予測を発表しました。これによると、2023年の国内SD-WAN市場は前年から20.6%成長し、市場規模(支出額ベース)は147億9,000万円となりました。2023年~2028年の年間平均成長率(CAGR:Compound Annual Growth Rate)は11.2%で推移し、2028年の市場規模は2023年比で約1.7倍の251億1,500万円と予測しています。なお、SD-WAN市場には、SD-WAN関連のハードウェアおよびソフトウェアからなるインフラストラクチャ、マネージドサービス、プロフェッショナルサービスを含みます。 Research Press Release Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Canadian Datacenter Infrastructure Market Snapshot, 3Q24 <P>This IDC Market Presentation examines the year-over-year changes in the overall datacenter infrastructure ecosystem during the second calendar quarter of 2024 — notably servers, storage, and networking equipment. It also provides competitive positioning in the form of revenue market share for key named vendors in each of those submarkets.</P> Market Presentation Sat, 28 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Henry Arzumanian, Dave Pearson Canadian Infrastructure Trends and Strategies, 2024: Server Vendor Perceptions <P>This IDC Market Presentation is based on IDC Canada's 2024 <I>ITAP n1</I> <I>Survey.</I> We asked 397 Canadian organizations of all sizes across all industries and regions about the key criteria they consider when purchasing datacenter server hardware, their level of familiarity with vendors, and how they perceive those vendors regarding the key criteria they indicated. Included are summaries of the results — readers are encouraged to explore further with analyst teams where deeper segmentation is required.</P> Market Presentation Sat, 28 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Henry Arzumanian, Dave Pearson Datacenter Processing, 2Q24: Server CPU, GPU, FPGA, and AI ASICs and ASSPs <P>This IDC Market Presentation was presented to client of IDC's Enabling Technologies: Processors and Architectures research program after the market results from the second calendar quarter of 2024 were gathered and analyzed.</P> Market Presentation Sat, 28 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Shane Rau IDC's Supply Chain Survey Findings and Implications, 2024: Mid-Market Focus <P>This IDC Survey features results from IDC's <I>S</I><I>upply </I><I>C</I><I>hain </I><I>S</I><I>urvey</I> through the lens of mid-market companies, including a review of their supply chain concerns and future strategies.</P> IDC Survey Sat, 28 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Eric Thompson Pharos to Modernize Campus Printing with New Pharos Cloud Education Edition <P>This IDC Market Note highlights the important features that differentiate Pharos' new Pharos Cloud Education Edition from other Pharos products. Pharos' new Education Edition is a signal to the higher education market that the company has built features that higher education users particularly value.</P> Market Note Sat, 28 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Tim Greene, Geoffrey Wilbur Worldwide PC, Workstation, and Server Discrete Graphics Processing Unit Market Shares and Market Forecast, 2Q24 <P>This IDC Pivot Table provides the worldwide market and vendor share results for desktop PC, mobile PC, workstation, and server discrete graphics processing unit (GPU) vendors for the second calendar quarter of 2024.</P><P>The following data is provided quarterly starting from 1Q16:</P><UL><LI>Market size in units, including forecast</LI><LI>Vendor shares in units</LI><LI>Market size in revenue, including forecast</LI><LI>Vendor shares in revenue</LI></UL><P>Segments include:</P><UL><LI>Desktop PC graphics processing unit</LI><LI>Mobile PC graphics processing unit</LI><LI>Workstation graphics processing unit</LI><LI>Server graphics processing unit</LI></UL> Pivot Table Sat, 28 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Shane Rau 2024 IDC中国科技市场技术热点速递——第二季度 <P>《2024 IDC中国科技市场技术热点速递——第二季度》深入剖析了2024年第二季度中国科技市场的前沿技术趋势和行业应用,该季度技术热点涵盖人工智能、电信、物联网、机器人技术、安全与隐私保护、区块链、汽车行业的创新以及云计算和低代码开发等多个技术热点领域。</P><P>与此同时,本季度IDC科技市场研究还探讨了这些技术如何推动政务、智慧城市、制造业、能源和医疗等行业的前沿技术转型与发展,还为首席信息官(CIO)提供了决策指南,帮助他们把握市场脉搏,制定战略规划。报告通过深入的行业洞察和实用的决策建议,为读者提供了一个全面了解中国科技市场动态和未来发展方向的窗口。</P> Tech Buyer Presentation Fri, 27 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Finn Li 2Q24 Korea PC Compete (Historical and Forecast) <P>This IDC Presentation, which is in Korean language, gives an overview of the Korea PC market performance, including segment, channel, vendor, and processor-level analyses for 2Q24. </P> Market Presentation Fri, 27 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT Dohee Kim IDC Finds Global Gaming PC Market Recovered in Q2 2024, Fueled by Notebooks and Monitors Worldwide shipments of gaming PCs grew 2.4% year over year in Q2 2024 while gaming monitor shipments increased 35% during the quarter, according to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Gaming Tracker. Tracker Press Release Fri, 27 Sep 2024 04:00:00 GMT