rsscloudcomputing IDC RSS alerts IDC: Indian Public Cloud Services Market to Grow at a CAGR of 23.8% for 2023-28 NEW DELHI, 01 July 2024 – The revenue from Indian public cloud services (PCS) market, including infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) , and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, totalled $8.3 Billion in 2023, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) , 2 H 202 3 ( J uly - December ) .The overall Indian public cloud services market is expected to reach $24.2 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 23.8% for 2023-28. Tracker Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC:蓄势待发——2023年中国视频会议市场份额报告发布 北京,2024年7月1日—— IDC于近日发布了《中国硬件视频会议市场份额, 2023 :厚积薄发》( Doc# CHC50967524 , 2024 年 6 月) 和 《中国云会议市场份额, 2023 :蓄势待发》( Doc# CHC50967424 , 2024 年 6 月) 报告,2023年,中国视频会议市场规模达到9.2亿美元(约合64.9亿元人民币),市场规模较2022年同期下降2.7%。其中,硬件视频会议受市场环境影响,市场规模为6.5亿美元(约合45.7亿元人民币),同比下降7.6%,但对比2023年上半年降幅收窄;云会议市场受益于商业化进程加速,同比增长11.6%,达到2.7亿美元(约合19.1亿元人民币),保持了快速增长态势。尽管2023全年中国硬件视频会议市场发展面临挑战,但是,随着AI技术推动云会议服务升级,以及混合云部署模式的成熟,云会议市场正在成为视频会议市场增长的主要力量。 Research Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT 融合共生,大模型时代下的云原生基础设施 <P>本研究旨在探讨大模型与云原生基础设施的关系,以及大模型与云原生基础设施将如何相互影响。研究阐述了大模型浪潮下的工程化挑战,并结合云原生基础设施的特点分析了云原生基础设施将如何助力大模型的推理和训练,以及AI应用的开发和重构。研究也分析了大模型将如何赋能云原生基础设施,相关的挑战,并提出了给技术供应商的建议。</P> Market Presentation Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Bryan Wang AI-Enabled Autonomous Operations Building Blocks for Digital Infrastructure Innovation <P>This IDC Perspective highlights the transformative impact of AI, observability, and automation on digital infrastructure operations. It discusses how the shift toward intelligent, software-defined operations will drive modernization of ITOps roles and skills to support more dynamic and agile infrastructure requirements.</P><P>"Autonomous operations pairs AI-enabled analytics and software-defined automation to support intelligent digital infrastructure configuration, control, security, and support services aligned with business priorities and policies," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research vice president, Future of Digital Infrastructure Agenda, IDC. "The rapid rate of AI innovation is accelerating the maturation and scale of autonomous operations opportunities and creating a new set of challenges and opportunities across ITOps, CloudOps, DevOps, DataOps, and line-of-business teams."</P> IDC Perspective Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Mary Johnston Turner, Jevin Jensen, Stephen Elliot, Mark Leary, Jim Mercer, Shahin Hashim Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Datacenter Deployment Model and Spend Forecast, 2024–2028 <P>This APEJ Datacenter Deployment Model and Spend Forecast for 2024–2028 highlights significant growth driven by digital transformation (DX) and generative AI (GenAI), with a projected increase in DC capacity to meet the demands of cloud services, AI applications, and remote work. However, challenges, such as power scarcity and supply chain disruptions, pose inhibitors to this growth. The key developments include the adoption of NVIDIA's Blackwell platform and liquid cooling technologies, indicating a shift toward more efficient and sustainable DC operations.</P><P>"Digital transformation and GenAI are reshaping datacenters, driving unprecedented growth and technological advancements in the Asia/Pacific region," says Mikhail Jaura, senior research analyst, Cloud and Datacenter services, IDC Asia/Pacific. </P> Market Forecast Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Mikhail Jaura, William Lee Digital Infrastructure Trends and Strategies: End-User Preferences in India <P>This IDC Market Perspective discusses the importance of digital infrastructure and its emerging trends in India. The document further details the key spending priorities of enterprises and the preferred deployment locations for digital infrastructure. With infrastructure investments not aligned with business goals, enterprises often end up either overspending or underspending on the required digital technologies. This Perspective document presents a detailed view of the reasons behind these challenges. The document further discusses the modernization preferences related to compute and storage infrastructure and how AI technologies will impact the type of compute systems procured. The document ends with advice to technology suppliers on identifying the key opportunities and what steps should be taken to guide and service their customers on their digital infrastructure investments. </P><P>"Digital Infrastructure enhancements will offer new market opportunities to vendors in India. The market is expected to witness a strong adoption of as-a-consumption models across on-premises and public clouds. This is to drive agility and flexibility and leverage next-generation technologies. AI will be the cornerstone of digital infrastructure investments with gradual adoption of fit-for-purpose accelerators, high performance storage, and network interconnection technologies in India," says Rajiv Ranjan, associate research director, IDC India. </P> Market Perspective Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Rajiv Ranjan, Daphne Chung Enhancing Customer Experiences with AI-Driven Contextual Conversations: Communication Platform-As-A-Service Solutions Enabling Businesses <P>This Market Presentation discusses the rise in the usage and adoption of omni-channel messaging across verticals, highlighting the importance of communication platforms–as-a-service (CPaaS) solutions in delivering enhanced customer experiences today. It also discusses how these platforms can integrate across various social media and traditional messaging channels to address customers' requirements.</P><P>"Conversational customer engagement is going through a massive shift because of the rise of messaging apps, virtual assistants, and other digital channels. This growing demand for omni-channel communication and the need for scalability and flexibility is driving businesses to adopt a unified platform approach with conversational capabilities. CPaaS solutions can help businesses address this," says Nikhil Batra, senior research director on telecoms and Internet of Things, IDC Asia/Pacific. He adds, "In addition to customer experience, CPaaS also helps businesses reduce the pressure on customer support teams and increase overall efficiency. However, organizations will need to stay on top of trends and partner correctly to continue to drive contextual conversations that delight customers."</P> Market Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Nikhil Batra European Managed Services Market Shares, 2023: Single-Digit Growth Underscores Regained Momentum <P>This IDC Market Share analyzes the European (Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe) managed services market in 2023. </P><P>"The managed services market in Europe showed resiliency in 2023, despite discretionary spending being challenged by an uncertain economic environment, which lead to an upper single digit growth," said Francesca Ciarletta, research manager, European Managed Cloud Services.</P> Market Share Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Francesca Ciarletta Four Steps to Build a Powerful Digital Platform: Accelerating Your Cloud Journey to Generate Value in the Digital Enterprise <P>This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation was presented at IDC's Digital Enterprise Forum in Copenhagen in April 2024. It discusses the imperative for European organizations to drive more digital revenues. It also highlights that a powerful digital platform that enables hybrid cloud/multicloud strategies and that is underpinned by an AI-ready infrastructure is the foundation for the digital business of the future.</P> Tech Buyer Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Carla Arend GenAI in Healthcare and Life Sciences: Current Trends and Future Potential in Asia/Pacific <P>This IDC report explores the current adoption landscape and future potential of GenAI in Asia/Pacific healthcare and life sciences. The report, after setting the context of GenAI in the sector, further explores the current adoption model, investment priorities, and challenges faced by CIOs while deploying GenAI solutions and their expectations while opting for an external partnership for their GenAI engagements.</P><P>This report also covers the GenAI use cases from the recently published IDC global report and details regional case examples. </P> Tech Buyer Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Manoj Vallikkat, Louise Francis, Rakesh Patni, Deepika Giri