idcpressreleases IDC RSS alerts IDC: Bangladesh Mobile Phone Market Grew 1.7% in the First Quarter of 2024 INDIA, 01 July 2024 – According to the International Data Corporation ’s (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker , Bangladesh’s overall mobile phone market shipped 4 million units in 1Q24, with a meager 1.7% growth YoY (year-over-year), after a strong YoY growth in 4Q23. Bangladesh’s smartphone market shipped 1.8 million units in 1Q24, with an 11.6% growth after six quarters of YoY decline. The smartphone shipment had started to slowly recover since 3Q23 after 1H23 was impacted by heavy taxation levied on mobile phones and components due to the IMF bailout, resulting in a 39.4% decline in shipments YoY. Tracker Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC: Indian Public Cloud Services Market to Grow at a CAGR of 23.8% for 2023-28 NEW DELHI, 01 July 2024 – The revenue from Indian public cloud services (PCS) market, including infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) , and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, totalled $8.3 Billion in 2023, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) , 2 H 202 3 ( J uly - December ) .The overall Indian public cloud services market is expected to reach $24.2 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 23.8% for 2023-28. Tracker Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC:2023年中国保险业IT解决方案市场迎来格局重塑窗口期 北京,2023年7月1日——近日,IDC发布了《中国保险业IT解决方案市场份额,2 023 》(Doc#CHC50977524,2024年6月) 报告。IDC数据显示,2023年,中国保险业 IT 解决方案市场规模达到 110.8亿元人民币,与 2022年相比增长3.0%。市场规模虽然增长,但整体增速进一步放缓。IDC预计,未来1-3年,业务回暖、利润回升之后,保险IT解决方案市场整体增速仍将逐步回到上升区间。 Research Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC:图数据管理分析平台技术能力评估2024发布,市场进入深水区 北京,2024年7月1日——IDC DataSphere 数据显示,到 2027 年,全球非结构化数据将占到数据总量的 86.8%,达到246.9ZB。未来非结构化数据仍是数据产生和存储的主要形式,如何更好地管理数据、挖掘其背后价值则更加重要。IDC于近日发布了《 IDC TechAssessment :图数据管理分析平台技术能力评估, 2024 》( Doc# CHC51598324 ) 报告,遴选出6家代表厂商,并给出行动路线图V2.0以供市场参考。 Research Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC:蓄势待发——2023年中国视频会议市场份额报告发布 北京,2024年7月1日—— IDC于近日发布了《中国硬件视频会议市场份额, 2023 :厚积薄发》( Doc# CHC50967524 , 2024 年 6 月) 和 《中国云会议市场份额, 2023 :蓄势待发》( Doc# CHC50967424 , 2024 年 6 月) 报告,2023年,中国视频会议市场规模达到9.2亿美元(约合64.9亿元人民币),市场规模较2022年同期下降2.7%。其中,硬件视频会议受市场环境影响,市场规模为6.5亿美元(约合45.7亿元人民币),同比下降7.6%,但对比2023年上半年降幅收窄;云会议市场受益于商业化进程加速,同比增长11.6%,达到2.7亿美元(约合19.1亿元人民币),保持了快速增长态势。尽管2023全年中国硬件视频会议市场发展面临挑战,但是,随着AI技术推动云会议服务升级,以及混合云部署模式的成熟,云会议市场正在成为视频会议市场增长的主要力量。 Research Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Shared Cloud Infrastructure Spending Continues to Accelerate, Fueled by AI-Related Spending in the First Quarter of 2024, According to IDC Worldwide spending on compute and storage infrastructure products for cloud deployments, including dedicated and shared IT environments, increased 36.9% year over year in Q1 2024, according to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Enterprise Infrastructure Tracker: Buyer and Cloud Deployment. Tracker Press Release Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT 2024年 国内サステナビリティ/ESGサービス市場予測を発表 Japan, 2024年6月27日 - IT専門調査会社 IDC Japan 株式会社(所在地:東京都千代田区九段北1‐13‐5、代表取締役社長:村橋俊介、Tel代表:03-6897-3812)は、国内サステナビリティ/ESGサービス市場予測を発表しました。 Research Press Release Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Double-Digit Revenue Growth for Security Products in 2023 is Forecast to Continue Through 2028, According to IDC Worldwide revenue for security products totaled $106.8 billion in 2023, an increase of 15.6% compared to 2022, according to new data from the IDC Worldwide Semiannual Security Products Tracker. Tracker Press Release Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC: Global Smart Vacuum Shipments Dominated by Chinese Brands with Over 60% Share in 1Q24 BEIJING, 27 June 2024 — Global shipments of smart vacuums reached 4.5 million units, a year-over-year (YoY) increase of 11.1%, according to International Data Corporation (IDC )'s Worldwide Quarterly Smart Home Device Tracker , Q1 2024. The following Chinese manufacturers made it into the top 10 (arranged alphabetically): Anker Innovations, Dreame, ECOVACS, ILIFE, Lefant, Narwal, Roborock, and Xiaomi, experiencing a YoY increase in their combined share. Despite the progress, iRobot remained dominant in the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Canada, leveraging its brand influence. Tracker Press Release Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC:AI加持,商业智能与分析软件市场释放更大潜能 北京,2024年6月27日——根据IDC最新发布的《中国商业智能和分析软件市场跟踪报告,2023H2》显示,2023下半年,中国商业智能与分析软件市场规模为5.2亿美元,同比增长为3.7%。其中,本地部署收入占比为89.3%,同比增长1.7%;公有云模式收入占比为10.7%,同比增长17.9%。 Tracker Press Release Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT