target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Apr 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US52009724

IDC PlanScape: Analysis on the Total Cost of Digital to Reduce Overall Spend

By:  Robert Multhaup Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC PlanScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC PlanScape: Executive Summary of Analysis on the Total Cost of Digital to Reduce Overall Spend

  • Executive Summary

  • Why Is Analysis on the Total Cost of Digital Important?

  • What Is Analysis on the Total Cost of Digital?

    • Table: Costs Within Each Digital Domain Categorized by Capability Type

    • Table: Total Digital Spend by Digital Domain Percentage

  • Who Are the Key Stakeholders?

    • Table: Key Stakeholders and Their Roles and Responsibilities

  • How Can My Organization Take Advantage of Analysis on the Total Cost of Digital?

    • Step 1: Capture the Total Cost of Digital in Departmental Budgets, and Consolidate into a Single View

    • Figure: Total Digital Business Services Revenue by Digital Centers

    • Step 2: Identify and Translate the Generic Capabilities Represented by the Departmental Costs

    • Figure: Total Digital Spend by Services/Capabilities

    • Step 3: Apply the Principles of Specialization to the Pool of Both Human Resource and Technology Capabilities

    • Figure: Key Foundational, Shared, and Business Service Baselines Revenue for Optimization

    • Step 4: Identify the Opportunities with the Most Efficient Mix and Specialization of Resource and Asset Capabilities

    • Figure: Total Digital Potential Areas of Optimization

    • Step 5: Choose the Scenarios That Best Optimize Capabilities While Reducing Spend Across the Total Cost of Digital

  • Advice for Technology Buyers

  • Related Research