target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US51833624

IDC PeerScape: Practices to Modernize IT Talent and Skills Development

By:  David Weldon Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC PeerScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC PeerScape: IT Talent and Skills — Practices to Close Talent and Skills Gap

  • Executive Summary

  • Peer Insights

    • Practice 1: Assess Where Current Gaps Are in the Most Needed Job Roles and Skills and How These Will Likely Change

    • Challenge

    • Examples

    • NortheastCIOs

    • State of Vermont

    • UK HealthCare

    • Aeteck Inc.

    • Guidance

    • Practice 2: Evaluate How the Execution of Business Strategy Is Impacted by Each Job Role or Lack of Someone in It

    • Challenge

    • Examples

    • NortheastCIOs

    • State of Vermont

    • UK HealthCare

    • Aeteck Inc.

    • Guidance

    • Practice 3: Determine Which Business Tasks Will Most Likely Offer Measurable Recruiting and Training ROI from Modernization Efforts

    • Challenge

    • Examples

    • NortheastCIOs

    • UK HealthCare

    • Aeteck Inc.

    • Guidance

    • Practice 4: Ensure That Modernization Efforts Make It Easier and More Rewarding to Perform Key Job Roles

    • Challenge

    • Examples

    • State of Vermont

    • UK HealthCare

    • Aeteck Inc.

    • Guidance