target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2021 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US47527321

Five Open Source Projects to Watch Carefully in 2021


  • Al Gillen
  • David Schubmehl Loading
  • Jim Mercer Loading
  • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
  • Dave McCarthy Loading
  • Gary Chen Loading
  • Brad Casemore
  • Sriram Subramanian


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Executive Snapshot: Five Open Source Software Projects to Watch in 2021

  • Situation Overview

    • Table: Emerging Open Source Software Projects Worth Noting

    • Kubernetes on the Edge

    • K3s

    • KubeEdge

    • Project EVE

    • Grafana

    • Hugging Face

    • Argo CD

    • Cilium

  • Advice for the Technology Buyer

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis