target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2023 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # JPE50538523

Japan IT Security Forecast, 2023–2027

By:  Kenichi Akama Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Forecast Figure

    • Figure: Japan IT Security Product Revenue Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

    • Japan IT Security Market Forecast

    • Japan Security Software Market

    • Japan Security Appliances Market

    • Japan Security Services Market

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

  • Market Forecast

    • Japan IT Security Product Market Forecast

    • Table: Japan IT Security Product Market Revenue by Functional Market Segment, 2021–2027

    • Japan Security Software Market

    • Table: Japan Security Software Market Revenue by Functional Market Segment, 2021–2027

    • Japan SaaS Security Software Market

    • Table: Japan SaaS Security Software Market Revenue by Functional Market Segment, 2021–2027

    • Japan Security Appliances Market

    • Table: Japan Security Appliances Market Revenue Forecast by Functional Market Segment, 2021–2027

    • Japan Security Services Market

    • Table: Japan Security Services Market Spending by Functional Market Segment, 2021–2027

  • Market Context

    • Drivers and Inhibitors

    • Drivers

    • Partial Revision of the Enforcement Regulations of the Medical Care Act to Improve the Effectiveness of Cybersecurity Measures

    • 2023 Personal Information Protection Law Amendment

    • Cyberattacks Continue to Increase

    • Inhibitors

    • Delayed Japan Economic Recovery due to Ongoing Russia-Ukraine War

    • Significant Market Developments

    • Investing in Security and Earning Trust to Promote Business

    • Resisting with AI-Based Automation Solutions

    • Changes from Prior Forecast

    • Table: Japan IT Security Product Revenue and YoY Growth Rate, 2019–2027: Comparison of January 2023 and May 2023 Forecasts

    • Table: Japan Security Services Spending and YoY Growth Rate, 2019–2027: Comparison of January 2023 and May 2023 Forecasts

    • Figure: Japan Security Software Revenue, 2019–2027: Comparison of January 2023 and May 2023 Forecasts

    • Figure: Japan Security Appliances Revenue, 2019–2027: Comparison of January 2023 and May 2023 Forecasts

    • Figure: Japan Security Services Spending, 2019–2027: Comparison of January 2023 and May 2023 Forecasts

  • Market definition

    • Japan IT Security Market

    • Security Software Market Classification

    • Software as a Service Security Software Market Classification

    • Security Appliances Market Classification

    • Security Services Market Classification

    • Definition of Security Consulting Services

    • Definition of Security System Implementation Services

    • Definition of Security System Management Services

    • Managed Security Services

    • Hosting Security Services

    • SaaS Security Services

    • Definition of Security Education and Training Services

    • Services Included in Security Education and Training Services

    • Market Size Definitions

    • Exchange Rate

  • Methodology

  • Related Research