target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152092224

Smart Policies for People-Centric European Cities and Communities: 2024 Update


  • Louisa Barker Loading
  • Massimiliano Claps Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Smart Policies for People-Centric European Cities and Communities

  • Situation Overview

    • Eight Key Smart Policy Areas

    • Figure: The Smart Policy Wheel

    • User Centricity

    • Key Principles

    • Establish a Quality-of-Service Charter

    • Drive Personalization

    • Ensure Usability and Inclusiveness

    • Encourage Openness and Participation

    • Enable Digital Identities

    • Develop Promote Digital Skills

    • Good Practices

    • High-Value Industries

    • Key Principles

    • Empower an Economic Development Authority to Promote Innovation and High-Tech Exports

    • Put in Place Tax Rebates, Grants, and Subsidy Programs to Incentivize Innovation

    • Ensure Access to Knowledge and Protection of Intellectual Property

    • Good Practices

    • Talent Development

    • Key Principles

    • Encourage Academic and Adult Learning

    • Develop the Talent Pipeline

    • Create Internship Programs

    • Develop Public Sector Skills

    • Good Practices

    • Natural and Built-Environment Sustainability

    • Key Principles

    • Foster Competition in Power Grids and Communication Networks

    • Promote Digital Planning

    • Include the Public in Planning Urban Spaces and the Built Environment

    • Enable the Reuse of Physical Infrastructure

    • Make Urban Spaces Easier to Repurpose

    • Accelerate Net Zero

    • Innovate Financing Mechanisms

    • Good Practices

    • Security, Safety, and Resilience

    • Key Principles

    • Establish a Cross-Industry City Cybersecurity Center

    • Ensure Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery Planning

    • Establish Health and Safety Foundations

    • Ensure Privacy/Data Protection

    • Regulate the Use of Cloud Services

    • Good Practices

    • Data and AI

    • Key Principles

    • Encourage Open Data

    • Ensure AI Ethics, Transparency, and Innovation

    • Implement Data Interoperability Standards

    • Encourage Data Sharing

    • Establish Digital and AI Rights

    • Build Digital and AI Skills

    • Good Practices

    • Ecosystem Collaboration

    • Key Principles

    • Implement Challenge-Based Procurement

    • Promote the Use of Open Standards Through Public Procurement

    • Regulate the Applicability of Public-Private Collaboration

    • Create Smart City Ecosystem Vehicles

    • Good Practices

    • Measuring and Driving Impact

    • Key Principles

    • Measure Benefits Realization

    • Incorporate Scenario Planning

    • Undertake Participatory Budgeting

    • Good Practices

  • Advice for the Technology Buyer

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis