target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52620324

A Vendor's View of the Unified AI Platform


  • David Schubmehl Loading
  • Deepika Giri Loading
  • Nancy Gohring Loading
  • Kathy Lange Loading
  • Michele Rosen Loading
  • Jevin Jensen Loading
  • Adam Reeves Loading
  • Rick Villars Loading


  • 38 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation describes the capabilities required in a future AI platform that will allow enterprises to develop and deploy applications that employ both generative AI and predictive/prescriptive AI. This document also includes recommendations to vendors about developing and providing this type of platform to enterprises. In addition, it includes information on the life cycle required to develop and deploy next-generation AI applications, the tools they'll need to develop and deploy models, and how vendors should be evolving their products to respond to enterprise demands.


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