target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52592824

What Are the Primary Reasons Organizations Using Cloud Security Services State for Using the Cloud?


  • Craig Robinson Loading
  • Emanuel Figueroa Loading


  • 2 slides

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This IDC Survey Spotlight examines research from IDC's July 2024 Global Cloud Security Services Survey, which included 1,020 respondents. The survey question examined the reasons that organizations have for using the cloud.

Survey respondents indicated that they have been using cloud security services.

Respondents were from the following countries:

  • Australia: 77
  • Brazil: 50
  • Canada: 77
  • Denmark: 33
  • France: 77
  • Germany: 76
  • India: 76
  • Mexico: 52
  • Norway: 21
  • Singapore: 52
  • South Korea: 50
  • Sweden: 21
  • United Kingdom: 80
  • United States: 278

Respondents represent companies with the following worldwide employee size:

  • 100–249: 40
  • 250–499: 152
  • 500–999: 231
  • 1,000–2,499: 186
  • 2,500–4,999: 196
  • 5,000–9,999: 117
  • 10,000 or more: 98


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