target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52377624

Reality Check, 2024: Digital Business Capabilities Versus Perception

By:  Craig Powers Loading


  • 28 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation examines the contrast of how companies perceive themselves digitally against the reality of their digital capabilities. Do companies view themselves as more digital than they are? According to IDC's Digital Executive Sentiment Survey, a plurality of companies believe themselves to be "mostly digital businesses." However, IDC's Digital Business Scorecard indicates that the vast majority of these organizations are not digital leaders and lack some of the characteristics and strategies that enable companies to become leading digital businesses.

We will examine how the reality of these "mostly digital" organizations can meet the perception —looking at topics of leadership, digital technology investment, processes, and strategy. One thing is clear: It will be imperative for technology suppliers to help technology buyers more accurately identify their place in the digital business landscape.


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