target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US52367424

Worldwide Database Management Systems Software Market Shares, 2023: AI Brings Smarts to the Data

By:  Carl W. Olofson Loading


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This IDC study contains the market shares by vendor revenue for the database management systems (DBMS) market and shares of each of its submarkets: data lake management systems, in-memory shared data managers, low-code DBMS, navigational DBMS, non-schematic DBMS, and relational DBMS. It also includes reflections and commentary on the market overall in 2023 as well as the impact of specific vendors on the market. In addition, it offers actionable advice to technology suppliers.

"Key to growth for the top vendors was the embracing of nimble, rapidly deployable and configurable databases by the market," says Carl Olofson, research vice president for Data Management Software at IDC. "Completeness of the AI vision and of the underlying data management necessary to make effective GenAI solutions a reality will be critical to success."


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