target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52355924

Worldwide Telecommunications Capex and Opex, FY23: Overview of Top Global Service Providers


  • Peter Chahal Loading
  • Kresimir Alic Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective provides a recap of communications service providers (comms SPs) capex and opex investments for 2023. The document highlights the top 10 overall capex and opex spenders for 2023 and the top 10 capex spenders for wireless and wireline networks, along with a regional analysis. Total comms SP spending saw a contraction in 2023 compared with 2022, highlighting overall measured restraint in investment strategies due to a challenging macroeconomic environment.

"Worldwide capex investment was approximately $319 billion and opex investment at $1,264 billion for 2023, with North American and European comms SPs taking a more measured approach to capital expenditure," says Peter Chahal, director, Worldwide Telecommunications Insights at IDC. "Wireless networks accounted for 50% of telecom capex spending, lower compared with last year, with Asia/Pacific region leading in both capex and operational expenditure."


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