target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US52262224

IDC PeerScape: Peer Insights for Cost Justification in Enterprise Architecture

By:  Karen D. Schwartz Loading


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This IDC PeerScape describes the way enterprise architects can defend projects with cost in mind. It explains, through the eyes of experienced leaders, how enterprise architects can move their organizations forward technologically by eliminating redundant applications, integrating siloed applications, embracing new and more efficient technology, and reducing and remediating risk. More importantly, it explains how they can achieve all these goals with cost in mind, by explaining and demonstrating how undertaking these projects will also benefit the organization from a cost perspective.

"The businesses profiled in this document — from the financial services, distribution, and managed services industries — show the importance of preparing well, knowing your audience, and being adaptable," says Karen D. Schwartz, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP).


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