target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US52246424

Worldwide Tablet Market Shares, 1Q24: 10-Quarter Skid Finally Comes to an End

By:  Linn Huang Loading


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In terms of Android shipments, Samsung remains the top vendor by a large measure. Samsung leads Huawei by 1,977 basis points in shipment share of Android. That's more than Apple's 1,022 basis point lead over Samsung in the total tablet market. It should be noted Huawei has been steadily chipping at Samsung's lead as Huawei ramps up its tablet business.

By shipment share, the top 5 vendors were Apple (32.0%), Samsung (21.8%), Huawei (9.4%), Lenovo (7.0%), and Xiaomi (5.9%). The top 5 orders were preserved from the prior quarter. The rest of the top 10 were made up of Honor (3.2%), Amazon and Microsoft (both 2.9%), TCL (2.4%), and Walmart (1.3%). Walmart drove the strongest growth in the top 10 of any non-Chinese vendor at 87.2%. Walmart's shipment volumes of the company's own tablets can be cyclical.

This IDC study provides an analysis of vendor performance in the tablet market for 1Q24.

"The tablet market finally returned to growth, albeit modest growth," states Linn Huang, research vice president, Devices and Displays at IDC. "Strong promotions during lunar new years to compel Chinese buyers helped offset continued weakness in the U.S. market."


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