target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US52187824

Worldwide Telecom and Network API Forecast, 2024–2028


  • Patrick Filkins
  • John Byrne Loading
  • Courtney Munroe Loading


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This IDC study discusses worldwide telecom and network API forecast for the 2024–2028 period.

"While the telecom industry has a mixed history of API monetization, its latest focus on novel network APIs is being championed by all leading telecom service providers to include global support from key API aggregators, such as the hyperscale cloud providers and leading CPaaS entities," says Patrick Filkins, research manager, IoT and Telecom Network Infrastructure, IDC. "Even so, we expect the short-term API opportunity to remain tied to use cases such as anti-fraud and billing, which are easier to implement. Higher value APIs, such as QoD/QoS and edge, will take longer to catch on due to technical complexity and time-to-market constraints but present the most upside longer term."


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