target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Innovators - Doc  Document number: # US52130024

IDC Innovators: Cloud Delivery Platforms, 2024

By:  Penny Madsen Loading


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IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue of less than $100 million that have demonstrated success in either a growing technology segment or an innovative new technology approach — or both. This IDC Innovators study offers insights for line-of-business professionals, innovation managers, and IT teams to make informed decisions about partnering with cloud platform providers and analyzes a selection of three vendors in this space that bring a different perspective to the cloud platform market — Civo, NexGen Cloud, and SoftIron.

"The cloud platform market is evolving in line with the maturing adoption of cloud services. IDC finds that 82% of cloud buyers globally are in the process of deploying hybrid cloud and just under this, multicloud, with many seeking best-of-breed options. The adoption of strategies that focus on interoperability means end users can increasingly consider newer providers that offer alternatives across the market, be that in the areas of sovereign cloud, high-performance use cases, or solutions focusing on supply chain provenance or cost," said Penny Madsen, senior research director for Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research.


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