target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Web Conference Proceeding: Tech Supplier - Doc  Document number: # US52124424

Future-Proofing Telecom: Key Trends Shaping the CSP Market in 2024

By:  Peter Chahal Loading


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This IDC Web Conference examines the top 5 trends that will impact communications service providers (SPs) in 2024. To capitalize on new monetization opportunities, communications SPs across the globe are accelerating their focus on digital transformation across their communication networks, IT, and business operations to become more agile digital service providers and transition from telco to techco. This transformation is crucial to stay relevant, drive growth, and support the needs of organizations as they face the full impact of digital business evolution. During this Web Conference, you will hear about:

  • The affects of generative AI (GenAI)
  • Why increased focus on LEO satellite connectivity will alter today's communications SPs
  • Fixed wireless access (FWA) and private 4G/5G networks
  • Managed services using network as a service (NaaS)
  • The trend of application programming interfaces (APIs)


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