target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US52103724

Worldwide SD-WAN Infrastructure Market Shares, 2023: Cloud, Security, and AIOps Continue to Drive Growth


  • Rohit Mehra Loading
  • Brandon Butler Loading
  • Vijay Bhagavath Loading
  • Ajeet Das Loading


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This IDC study provides a view of worldwide SD-WAN infrastructure market shares by vendor, covering both hardware and software revenue.

"As organizations across the globe look to compete — and thrive — in the AI era, they're increasingly realizing the importance of their network and connectivity strategy to their digital business operations," says Brandon Butler, senior research manager, Enterprise Networks, IDC. "SD-WAN is a key technology that helps organizations advance their network transformation by enabling simplified operations, enhanced security, and optimized end-user experiences. Combined, these dynamics make SD-WAN a key technology for enterprises and service providers alike."


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