target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52092524

Smart Rivers Cross-Industry Survey Spotlight: To What Extent are Different Industries Investing in Smart Rivers?


  • Louisa Barker Loading
  • Joe Dignan Loading


  • 2 slides

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This IDC Survey Spotlight will highlight the extent to which different industries are investing in smart rivers. Smart rivers are rivers in which digital technologies are leveraged to gain data-driven insights in support of better river management. Smart rivers are analogous to smart cities in that at their core is the creation and more effective use of data to drive better outcomes. Smart river initiatives can be implemented to support outcomes such as reducing pollution, conserving biodiversity, encouraging sustainable transportation, and reducing flood risk. IDC research highlights current investment levels in this nascent market and its expected growth trajectory.


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