target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US52076424

Worldwide IDC Global DataSphere Forecast, 2024–2028: AI Everywhere, But Upsurge in Data Will Take Time

By:  Adam Wright Loading


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This IDC study presents a five-year forecast for the worldwide IDC Global DataSphere, which is a measure of how much data is created, captured, replicated, and consumed each year. It is forecast by several segments including consumer/enterprise, region, data type, location (core, edge, endpoint), and cloud/noncloud.

"As the use of artificial intelligence intensifies — particularly with the advancement of generative AI models — it becomes the catalyst for a data deluge," says Adam Wright, research manager, IDC's Global DataSphere. "But that deluge will be staggered over the next five years and beyond. AI's transformative potential is undeniable; however, the lag between its expansion and the subsequent upsurge in data generation will serve as a critical pause — a period where systems will adapt, infrastructure will evolve, and business and consumer trust in and use of the technology will mature."


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