target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US51674824

Worldwide IT Education and Training Services Forecast, 2024–2028


  • Gina Smith, PhD Loading
  • Anu Mehta Loading


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This IDC study is an update to the worldwide IT education and training services forecast for the 2024–2028 period. It includes analysis of the regional drivers of IT education growth and delivery modalities, highlighting a number of tech trends and drivers that IDC believes will influence training growth over the forecast period.

"Training used to be the first thing cut when times got tough. No longer," says Gina Smith, PhD, research editor, IT Skills for Digital Business, IDC. "To remain competitive, enterprises must view training as a strategic imperative. And they must invest like they mean it."

"IT leaders everywhere need skilled people to deliver on their planned AI initiatives," adds Anu Mehta, senior research analyst, Future of Work, IDC. "IT education and training courses are the best bet to upskill employees on those AI initiatives."


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