target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US51530024

IDC Survey: Healthcare Provider IT Spending — U.S. Hospitals and Medical Centers, 2024–2025

By:  Mutaz Shegewi Loading


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This IDC Survey provides insights into the anticipated health IT spending trends among hospitals and medical centers in the United States. The data highlights critical areas of increased investment and reveals significant opportunities for tech suppliers to tailor their solutions to meet the evolving needs of these care settings.

"The survey data underscores a shift toward technological advancement and digital maturity in acute/inpatient care settings," says Mutaz Shegewi, senior research director, Worldwide Healthcare Provider Digital Strategies, IDC Health Insights. "For tech suppliers, this survey data reveals where prime opportunities exist to deliver solutions that enhance operational efficiency and patient experience within acute care settings where the challenges are great and the demand for cutting-edge technology is rapidly growing."


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