target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51459324

The Future of Wealth Management Is Generative

By:  Thomas Shuster Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides a thoughtful and timely consideration of the many potential applications of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) within the wealth management industry, exploring the technology's potential to disrupt traditional business models and empower traditional financial advisors simultaneously. The reader is asked to consider how the provision of cost-efficient, high-value, and personalized services through digital channels is an inevitable future state for the industry while offering creative examples of how that might be accomplished using GenAI.

"Generative artificial intelligence promises to dramatically reshape business models and the customer experience in the wealth with the seamless integration of AI-powered insights and advanced automation making sophisticated financial services more accessible and personalized," says Thomas Shuster, research director, Capital Markets, Wealth, and Digital Asset Strategies at IDC.


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