target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US51127323

IDC Market Glance: Cloud Application Platforms, 3Q23


  • Brijesh Kumar
  • Lara Greden Loading


  • 6 slides

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This IDC Market Glance provides a graphical overview of the cloud application platforms market landscape. It depicts the ecosystem of cloud vendors that are addressing the needs of organizations in building and deploying high-performant, cloud-native, and next-gen applications in the cloud- and digital-first world. The market landscape is made up of vendors, including new entrants to mature cloud service providers. It also illustrates the segments and structure of the market into five submarkets: deployment-centric application platforms, container orchestration software, serverless, edge platforms, and open source software.


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