target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51119923

Telecommunication Service Provider Perspectives on Digital Transformation Technology Adoption

By:  Avinash Naga Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight answers the following question: What are the perspectives of telecommunication service providers on digital transformation technology adoption?

Most of the surveyed telecom providers rated AI and 5G as the most promising technologies but also rated them as hard to implement.

Virtualization/software-defined infrastructure is the second most important activity for business transformation, while organizations rated APIs as hard to implement.

Implementing AI and 5G-related tools in businesses requires a solid plan and a knowledgeable workforce as there are limited people with the required skill set.

AI systems depend upon the amount of data they are trained on and can be biased most of the times.

Businesses feel that implementing AI is a sophisticated process and expensive as the processing resources needed are unavailable.

AI has the potential to change the way businesses operate by automating the manual tasks, develop advanced business applications, enable the creation of new jobs, and improve customer experience.


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