target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51079324

Legacy Technology: Impeding Business' Ability to Compete Effectively in the Digital World

By:  Mickey North Rizza Loading


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This IDC Perspective outlines the legacy aspects holding organizations back while helping outline a pathway toward a great future in the digital world. The digital world requires organizations to pivot quickly, be more efficient, and be productive in their business processes while underpinning the organization with more modern technology systems. Unfortunately, many organizations are impeding the ability of their businesses to compete because of their continued reliance on outdated legacy technology.

"Speed, scale, and resiliency and running a successful business in the digital world require modern enterprise applications that are in the cloud, utilize AI and generative AI, and are filled with insights," said Mickey North Rizza, group vice president, Enterprise Software at IDC. "Legacy systems can't keep up with the demands of the digital world and must be modernized or give way to more modern applications. "


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