target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50995223

Worldwide Public Cloud Platform as a Service Market Shares, 2022: PaaS/Cloud Platform Services Ecosystem Enables Developers with Generative AI and Intelligent App Capabilities

By:  Lara Greden Loading


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This IDC study reports on the two prior years, in addition to the year 2022, to provide context for how the market has evolved. It also provides a competitive analysis of the worldwide public cloud platform-as-a-service market players and the associated submarkets.

"With the major onset of AI everywhere, including generative AI, decision makers will increasingly use a platform lens to evaluate strategic technology decisions," said Lara Greden, research director, PaaS at IDC. "Cloud platform vendors are showing relentless drive to enhance the productivity of developers and overall speed of application delivery, including emphasis on intelligent applications, to deliver the scale, control, and consistency needed for an AI-everywhere world."


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