target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50920023

Asia/Pacific Semiconductor Fabless Manufacturing Services Market Share, 2022 ─ Top 10 Vendor Ranking and Insight

By:  Galen Zeng Loading


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This IDC study shows the revenue performance of the largest semiconductor fabless companies in the Asia/Pacific market in 2022. The 2021-2022 revenue of the top 10 IC designers in the region is shown in Table 1.

According to Galen Zeng, senior research manager at IDC, "Due to their wide range of products and applications across the world, the fabless companies in Asia/Pacific will affect the speed and degree of recovery of the global semiconductor industry with their development dynamics. The top 10 Asia/Pacific players' share grew by -5.1% annually, which performed well compared with the overall market. Four companies in Taiwan, five in mainland China, and one in the Republic of Korea were among the top 10 players in Asia/Pacific, according to observations based on regional dynamics, with those from the Taiwan accounting for the most shares and being particularly significant for the Asia/Pacific fabless market."


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