target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US50898724

Tech Buyer Considerations, 2024: How AI in UC&C Is Forcing New Buying Considerations


  • Denise Lund Loading
  • Jitesh Gera Loading


  • 10 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation highlights for IT buyers that the growing priority by solution providers on AI in UC&C solutions is changing along with what criteria matter when choosing a UC&C solution.

"Beyond the age-old UC&C solution buying criteria such as security, quality, and reliability of voice communications is a more broad and varied set of considerations for buyers today," says Denise Lund, research vice president, Worldwide Unified Communications and Telecom at IDC. "How the AI is situated in the overall solution — at a common platform layer or not, for example, and whether or not the UC&C solution is a vertically integrated, single vendor-provided solution or not, have implications on the speed of availability and depth of integration of GenAI functionality in a business."


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