target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: IDC TechBrief - Doc  Document number: # US50789923

IDC TechBrief: Applying Post-Quantum Cryptography to Data Protection to Enhance Digital Trust


  • Phil Goodwin Loading
  • Heather West, PhD Loading


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This IDC TechBrief describes what IT leaders need to know about post-quantum cryptography (PQC) and data protection and about how to prepare for its eventual adoption.

Although AES-128 encryption is sufficient in today's data environment, post quantum computing will render it and even AES-256 is inadequate to prevent data theft. Cybercriminals, anticipating post-quantum decryption capabilities, are adopting a "steal now, decrypt later" method of operation. PQC is a technology that can help organizations stay ahead of the criminals.

"All organizations face the potential risk of becoming a victim of a quantum cyberbreach, regardless of whether or not they are investing in or experimenting with quantum computing," notes Heather West, research manager, Quantum Computing, IDC. "To minimize this risk, organizations must modernize their cryptography to secure today's data from tomorrow's risk."


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