target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50780624

Worldwide and U.S. Device and Print Management Market Shares, 2023: Transition to the Cloud Accelerates


  • Geoffrey Wilbur Loading
  • Tim Greene Loading


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This IDC study provides the worldwide and U.S. market share data for the device management and print management markets for the calendar year 2023.

"The print and device management market faces challenges posed by an increasingly hybrid workforce, declining page volume, and print fleet reductions. However, these challenges provide opportunities as continuous improvements to cloud service offerings promise to ease the burden on IT managers and expand the demand for device and print management increasingly into the SMB market. Although legacy on-premises software solutions still produce a declining majority of device and print management revenue, future growth opportunities reside in the cloud." — Geoffrey Wilbur, research manager, Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions group at IDC


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