target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US50632924

Worldwide eSignature Software Forecast, 2024–2028

By:  Holly Muscolino Loading


  • 19 slides

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This IDC presentation presents a forecast of the worldwide esignature software market for the years 2024–2028. Additional analysis includes the key drivers and inhibitors of the esignature market as well as regional segmentation. This document updates Worldwide eSignature Software Forecast, 2023–2027 (IDC #US49992623, September 2023).

"Adopting esignature technologies has yielded benefits like enhanced efficiency, improved experiences, and faster transactions, yet it is important to consider that signing is just one part of the overall digital transaction workflow." — Holly Muscolino, group vice president, Workplace Solutions


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