target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US49866723

Industry Buyers Handbook: Asia/Pacific Utilities, 2023

By:  Rakesh Patni Loading


  • 36 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation provides insights to help technology vendors understand the factors that drive technology buyers in Asia/Pacific utilities organizations in their investment decisions for technology sourcing and digital services–related procurements. Vendors can use this Industry Buyers Handbook to:

  • Identify the current trends–specific technology focus of the buyer's organization
  • Align the company's proposition with the buyer's strategic priorities
  • Position the technology offering to respond to the buyer's business objectives
  • Develop a compelling narrative that resonates with the buyer's requirements

"Leaders for technology vendors that serve Asia/Pacific utilities need to respond to market conditions while juggling several business priorities — from maintaining operational efficiency and performance to managing the energy transition and ensuring cybersecurity resilience. They need to reimagine the energy systems of the future, which are increasingly becoming decentralized and require the integration of distributed energy sources. Technology vendors must take on the role of a vital strategic partner to utilities organizations, and this collaboration must go beyond merely providing appropriate technology; a comprehensive evaluation of ongoing investments that establishes a basis for building a tech architecture capable of withstanding future challenges is needed," says Rakesh Patni, associate research director, IDC Energy Insights.


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